Leeds City

The Gateway to Yorkshire.

Discover the contemporary culture of Yorkshire’s largest city through one of Britain’s best-served stations. Experience award-winning bars, restaurants and shops, visit iconic festivals and sports stadiums or venture out into the breathtaking Yorkshire Dales.

Maps of the station

Our interactive map will help you find your way around the station.

Alternatively, we have a PDF map below to help navigate your way around the station.

Station opening hours

  • Open: 24 hours – on some occasions, the station may be closed overnight due to no train services running. Leeds Station Southern Entrance is only open 06.00 – 22.00.

Tickets and travel information

National Rail Enquiries
03457 48 49 50

Textphone: 0345 60 50 600
Welsh language line: 0345 60 40 500

Station enquiries

General station enquiries: 03457 11 41 41

British Transport Police

The British Transport Police station is outside the New Station Street entrance.

For help call 0800 40 50 40 (24 hours), text 61016 or speak to a member of station staff. In an emergency call 999.

British Transport Police in our stations

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